I enjoy sharing my photos in many different ways. One of those ways is through yearly calendars. Each year, I make a 5x7 calendar with 13 different 4x6 photos. Each month has its own actual photograph. Below are the photos from the brand new 2014 calendar. I sell these through my web site, so if you're interested, you can go to
www.faithproductionsofcumberland.com/onlinestore.php to order the calendars. You can order through PayPal and if you don't have a PayPal account you can use a credit card through PayPal without needing an account.
Here are the photos for 2014 (actual photos in the calendars will not have the watermark on them):

Cover, January, March, April, November: Rocky Gap State Park
May: Swallowtails at Shad Landing State Park, Snow Hill, MD
July: Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Cambridge, MD
August: View from Sherwood's Landing, Inn at Perry Point, St. Michaels, MD
September: Martins Mountain, Allegany County, MD
October: Casselman River Bridge State Park, Garrett County, MD
(This formatting on Blogger is not cooperating and I couldn't get the titles to match up with the photos. The winter photo with the boat house is January, then the bird is February, and so on.)