Monday, July 21, 2014

My Hummingbird Friend

I have a female hummingbird that has been visiting my feeder all summer. She's the only one I've seen. I haven't seen a male around anywhere. She hangs out in one of my rose bushes and then flies over to the feeder. I spooked her a little with my big camera set up inside my back door but I got some great pictures of her in the rose bush. She only spent a few seconds at the feeder while I was at the door with my camera. Once I moved my camera and closed the door, she came back frequently. She must have been around a lot today because the nectar in my feeder is about half of what it was this morning. I love my little hummingbird friend!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rainbow after the storm

We just had a really nasty thunderstorm that produced lots of rain. It also produced a beautiful rainbow. After the rainbow came the beautiful sunset. Here are a couple photos I took: