Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Support our Troops

Since Memorial Day is quickly approaching, I thought I'd share about a great program.  The folks at Green Beans Coffee do a lot for our troops.  They have a program called Cup of Joe for a Joe.  For only $2 a cup, you can buy a service member a cup off coffee.  You can buy as many as you like.  What's great is that when Green Beans Coffee delivers the free coffee, you get an e-mail telling you in what country the service member is stationed and sometimes the service member will even write a thank you note.  Sometimes they'll even include their names.  I've gotten notes from lt. colonels, captains, lt. commanders and many others.  It's great how such a simple thing as a cup of coffee can encourage someone.  And reading the notes encourages me, too.  If you are interested in finding out more, check out and click on Cup of Joe for a Joe.

1 comment:

  1. In Texas all the troops get free food from most of the restaurants here. I have heard of cup of Joe for Joe and will look in to it. Thanks for the info. Hope you and your parents are doing well.
