Sunday, April 21, 2013

Helpful hints for posting to the blog

I have to remember to put titles on my posts. If you want to comment on a post, you can either click the title or click where it says "no comments" or "1 comment" (or whatever) at the end of the post. You can post anonymously or if you have a Google or other account, you can sign in using that where it says "comment as" after the comment box. You can just put your first name if you select Name/URL from the drop down menu. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. 90 last week, 37 this morning, back to winter coat for dog walking

  2. Don, we got down to 36 earlier this morning but the brilliant sunshine is really warming things up and it's up to 52 already. It went up 3 degrees in about 10 minutes just now. I had to turn my heat up a couple days ago when it got cold.
